Are you interested in becoming involved with the 2009 Pennsylvania Statewide Conference on Abandoned Mine Reclamation? The Conference Planning committee would like to inform you of the levels of participation in this year’s conference that your company may be interested in. In our past conferences we have provided space for exhibits and ample time for attendees to visit exhibits. This year we would also like to provide you with the chance to formally present your expertise, talents, and innovative technologies.
Sponsor: $1000 will entitle you to:
- Sponsor listing (website, logo placement, placards, press releases, opening & closing remarks)
- 1 Jumbo exhibit area near the hustle and bustle of the conference happenings
- 2 complementary conference registrations (please include name of registrants with check)
Sponsor: $500 will entitle you to:
- Sponsor listing (website, logo placement, placards, press releases, opening & closing remarks)
- 1 Large exhibit area near the hustle and bustle of the conference happenings
- 1 complementary conference registration (please include name of registrant with check)
Vendor: $500 or more will entitle you to:
- A 45 minute presentation
- 1 Large exhibit area near the hustle and bustle of the conference happenings
- 1 complementary conference registration (Please include name of registrant with check)
- Jumbo - $400 will entitle you to: 54 sq. ft. area (3 tables and electricity available)
- Large - $300 will entitle you to: 36 sq. ft. area (2 tables and electricity available)
- Standard - $200 will entitle you to: 18 sq. ft area (1 table and electricity available)
- FREE standard space for Non-Profits, Watershed Associations, & the Conference Planning Committee (as space permits).
6' x 3' skirted tables are provided with exhibit areas.
Setup no earlier than Monday, July 13 @ 1 PM
Teardown no later than Thursday, July 16 @ 1 PM
Vendor presentation spots are limited and will be distributed on a “first come first served” basis.
Exhibitors must bring their own extension cords. Electricity is available in the exhibit areas.
If you need a formal invoice or more information please contact:
Robert Hughes
EPCAMR, 101 South Main Street, Ashley, PA 18706
(570) 371-3523;
Please make your check payable to “EPCAMR”